Morning Coffee – 07/05/2016

Every now and then we reach a tipping point, which can change the course of our lives.  What is a ‘tipping point‘?

The Tipping Point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development applied to social phenomena, demographic data, and almost any change that is likely to lead to additional consequences.

Most of us can relate to this idea by having said “I’m not going to take this anymore.” or “I’m going to do something about this.”  Whether it’s at work, or at school, or on the internet.  We all have a set of beliefs, and values, according to which we live our lives.

Sometimes things happen in such a way that there is an innate desire to step up, and do what we think is right.  Sometimes we feel so strongly that it seems there is no other choice.  That is my idea of a ‘tipping point‘.

Thanks for reading.



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