Morning Coffee

Morning Coffee – 10/03/2017


A race with no finish line.


Picture this.  It doesn’t seem so bad, does it?  I mean, if the image of a race without a finish line doesn’t make you uncomfortable, that is completely normal.  But should it?  Let us break it down.

‘RACE’ (def) – “a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc., to see which is the fastest in covering a set course.” 

A set course is usually something with specific start and end points.  Assuming that the end point is the ‘finish line’, along with the definition in our original statement, and focusing the scope, we can write it like this:


A competition between people, to see who is the fastest to reach the finish line, with no finish line.


Does this start to sound weird?  It should.  Taking it one step further:

‘FINISH LINE’ (def) – “a line marking the end of a race.”

Here the definition of ‘finish line’ includes the word ‘race’ itself.  If we replace our original statement with this definition, we can write it like this:


A competition between people, to see who is the fastest to reach the finish line, with no line marking the end of the race


Noticing that we still have ‘finish line’, and ‘race’, lets see what happens when we replace them again with our new understandings:


A competition between people, to see who is the fastest to reach the line marking the end of the race, with no line marking the end of the competition between people, to see who is the fastest to reach the finish line.


Do you see where this is going?  The idea of a race with no finish line should bother us.  It is wrong.  A race with no finish line is no longer a race, and finish line isn’t a finish line without a race.


Social Media has no finish line.
It is not a race.



Morning Coffee – 09/08/2016

As I watch the Comedy Central Roast of Rob Lowe, I can’t help but laugh. I enjoy insult humour. Making fun of people is hilarious. Especially if they can laugh at themselves, and not take things personally. Because after all, the jokes aren’t about the person. The humour comes from the amplified image, and the amplified reputation, which comes with being a celebrity, or a public figure.

It’s important to remember that if you have the opportunity to laugh at yourself, take it. In an era where everyone is concerned with self-image, we need to remember that sometimes humour can keep us accountable for our actions. It can be a positive experience if done correctly.

It is easy to react defensively when somebody challenges your image, your actions, your art, your philosophy. Instead, try to embrace it, engage, and enjoy it. After all, the best jokes usually arise from truths. So let’s get real.


Morning Coffee – 07/05/2016

Every now and then we reach a tipping point, which can change the course of our lives.  What is a ‘tipping point‘?

The Tipping Point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development applied to social phenomena, demographic data, and almost any change that is likely to lead to additional consequences.

Most of us can relate to this idea by having said “I’m not going to take this anymore.” or “I’m going to do something about this.”  Whether it’s at work, or at school, or on the internet.  We all have a set of beliefs, and values, according to which we live our lives.

Sometimes things happen in such a way that there is an innate desire to step up, and do what we think is right.  Sometimes we feel so strongly that it seems there is no other choice.  That is my idea of a ‘tipping point‘.

Thanks for reading.




Morning Coffee – 02/15/2016

An interesting thing happened when I looked up the definition of the word ‘Support’.  I found that there are two commonly used definitions.



1. bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
2. give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act.


Now, even on first glance, it’s obvious to me that these two definitions are drastically different when it comes to their applications in the world.  When you publicly declare (i.e. via Facebook Share) that you ‘support’, or ‘do not support’ something, it is important to stop and think for a moment what you are trying to accomplish.


Morning Coffee – 01/06/2016

It’s about time I started doing something else to supplement the other content on my website.  I thought to myself, “There has got to be something that I’m already doing everyday, that I can put up on my site.”.

Turns out I do just about the same fucking thing every day.  But one of those things happens to be morning coffee, while I mash buttons on my computer.  Hence, this blog.

Today’s Blog will not be anything special, nothing more than a statement.  My intention is to post a Morning Coffee weekly, sometimes more, sometimes less.  But what exactly is a Morning Coffee?  Good Question.

Everybody is a product of their own life experiences.  Every single person is so drastically different from one another, and one of the only ways we have in understanding each other is through language.  Even then, the words we use have a different meaning to everyone.  Love, Hate, Hungry, Happy, Tired.  All of these words are clearly defined in the dictionary, yet every person has their own unique way of understanding what these words mean to them.  
